
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Our Ignorance to the Quran Pak and Our Lame Excuses

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

In a village of the Punjab, I had to stop my journey in waiting for one of my friends. An old laborer and a builder were working at some distance; all of a sudden a postman came and asked who was Abdul Rehman there? On hearing this, the old laborer of more than 65 years age jumped down from the tree. Although there was a stare case beside him but he jumped down from the tree regardless of his age and being hurt, he tried to seize the letter from the postman’s hand, saying that the letter was from his son; both the parents couldn’t sleep for three days due to not receiving any letter from their son. The postman asked his father’s name, instead he said, “Brother the letter is for us, I am the son of Jamma”. He quickly turned to go after seizing the letter. The mason called him behind asking where he was going. The old man replied, “To make this letter read”. The mason said, “At least keep some blocks and material.”  The old man replied furiously, “You are worried about the material! It’s my child’s letter; we haven’t sleep for three day.” The mason said that the owner would be angry. The old man replied, “Let him be angry.” The mason argued that he would not pay for our labour, he would deduct our ten days dues. This worthless person( I) just because of the excuse that how can I understand the Quran as according to the meaning of a Persian verse ‘my beloved’s language is Turkey and I don’t understand a single word of it’ the Quran is in Arabic language and we don’t know Arabic, how much valid is this excuse, had been in search for a close and unread letter since many years , which might not be opened because the sender was illiterate or he didn’t know that language but I haven’t got any letter to this day which is not opened just because the sender doesn’t know the language the letter is written in. This worthless and shabby person (I) came out of my car and started chasing that old laborer. That laborer went to the Imam Sahib in the mosque. The Imam Sahib was teaching the children at that time. The laborer started flattering the Imam Sahib curiously to read his son’s letter, The Imam Sahib said to him that it was the time to teach the children he could come afterwards. On hearing this, the laborer started crying and imploring in front of him to read that letter for the sake of God as he and his wife couldn’t sleep for three days as their son hadn’t written any letter since he had gone. The Imam Sahib felt pity on his cries and started reading the letter to him. The old laborer were asking him to read the letter repeatedly. When the Imam Sahib read it completely the old man pointed to the address written on the envelop to read it. The Imam Sahib told him that it was his postal address. The old man requested the Imam Sahib to turn over the page if something was written on the back side. The Imam Sahib replied furiously that he had read each and every letter of it 10 times, and he scolded him to go away out of fury. The old man again pleaded the Imam Sahib to look at the letter if his son had asked to send him sugar. The Imam Sahib threw the letter out of rage. The old man came to me with the letter and now he started flattering me to read the letter if his son had asked for sugar. I made him understand with love and sympathy, “The Imam Sahib has read every letter of it if your son likes sugar, you send it to him otherwise he will buy from there.” I was thoughtful to see the curiosity of the man that this illiterate old man left his labour of ten days without delaying a moment he made this letter read repeatedly after pleading and imploring, just out of love of his son, he listened to each and every word of it carefully, when he did not satisfy with reading of one person he had tried to understand the letter by asking the other person to read.

In spite of the claim of faith and love of Allah how can our this lame excuse be accepted for the  Quran Pak, for the love letter of Allah to us, that we are illiterate or we are Indians and the language of the Holy Quran is Arabic so we are unable to understand it while our all the success in this world and in the hereafter depends upon the Quran, it’s reading, understanding and conveying its message to the world, we responsible to enlighten this world with the light of the Holy Quran.  I wish we had at least that much attachment and love with the Quran as that old, illiterate person had with his son’s letter. This comes again and again in my mind, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed on our attitude towards the Quran Pak. Alas we could realize!!!

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